Sunday, July 5, 2009

the sea

The creator of heaven and earth
with his smile created the sea
calm and silent is the sea
vast is your world
nobody knows where you end .
the creator smile brought a gentle breeze
on the sea .
beautiful world you hold within you
with beautiful and dangerous creatures
that makes me marvel at the creator's master creation.
The sun rays add glistening beauty to the waves
with different colour sometimes blue ,sometimes green.
creatures within you peep out to look the world outside.
strange tales have been told about you the sea.
god's anger enrages the waves
that the waves roar on high
with thunder ,lightning
your waves become gigantic waves
that you swallow humans
submerge many lands in your hunger
unknown treasures lay hidden within you.
you form another world
the world of sea
the world of adventure
a world to explore
calm and silent you remain
no one knows the approaching danger you bring
human beings are just tiny toys in your sight
the world of sea the world of sea
is so beautiful that brings melody .

1 comment:

  1. so nice to read this. it seems that you were just talking to your friend. you have a good style of writing. i expect more poems from you. give me a good collections of all your poems. God bless.
